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Cow (text: "Hello, I have learnt by myself how to speak the human language and studied the fundamental problems of mankind. After years and years of philosophizing I have found the solution for all of them. Along the way I also have found a solution how to guarantee universal peace for all times and to wipe out hunger and misery. May i explain?" ;  "Shit, again a case of mad cow disease, ... to slaughter!")
Cow (text: "Hello, I have learnt by myself how to speak the human language and studied the fundamental problems of mankind. After years and years of philosophizing I have found the solution for all of them. Along the way I also have found a solution how to guarantee universal peace for all times and to wipe out hunger and misery. May i explain?" ;  "Shit, again a case of mad cow disease, ... to slaughter!")
Maximilian Lückenhaus, gouache on paper, 2001